
Diablo immortal alpha download
Diablo immortal alpha download

  • When you are at the site, there will be a prompt that asks you to log in with your email address and a password.
  • If you are not yet ready to download at this time and wish to do it later, you can download it here:
  • Once you have successfully signed up for an account, it should prompt you to the site where you can download the game.
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    Cheap Palia Items, Palia Boosting Services. Additionally, every purchase made during Palia’s Closed and Open Beta phases will remain as part of your account for Palia’s official launch and beyond. I made a purchase with real money during an Alpha test, what happens to my items in Palia’s Beta?Īll purchases made during Palia’s Alpha tests will be credited in Palia Coins with an additional 20% early purchase reward. Players who begin playing should maintain their account progress for the duration of Palia’s lifecycle. The development team has no plans to wipe player progress following our Beta phase. If I participate in Palia’s Closed and Open Beta, will my progress reset for the game’s official launch in the future?

    diablo immortal alpha download

    Will Palia be available on Steam during the game’s Closed and Open Beta?įor now, Palia will only be available to play for players that register at, download the launcher, and use the launcher to install and play the game. We recommend installing Palia to an SSD drive, and using at least the following PC hardware specifications: Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit or higher What are Palia’s PC hardware recommendations? The launcher will then become your one-stop destination for downloading, updating, and playing the game. The email will include download instructions for Palia’s launcher. How Do I Install Palia?Īfter signing-up and creating an account at, you will receive an email at the address that you provided during registration. Note: Palia currently only supports Windows.

    Diablo immortal alpha download